The Museum of the African Diaspora will present the first program in the MoAD Arts and Lecture Series, Paris Is Burning (Again), a critical day-long symposium focusing on the black Francophone world and celebrating the 100th anniversary ofthe birth of Leopold Sedar Senghor, poet, first Senegalese president and founder ofthe cultural/artistic movement, Negritude.
Confirmed Participants
Simon Njami, co-founder and editorof Revue Noire and curator of the upcoming 'Bamako 2007: AfricanPhotography Encounters', a biennial photographic exhibition of African photographers, is the keynote speaker. Emmanuel Dongala, author of fournovels including 'Little Boys Come From the Stars' and the recent, 'Johnny Mad-Dog' and Tyler Stovall (UC Berkeley), Janet G. Vaillant (Harvard), Trica D. Keaton (Indiana U.), Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyl
(Stanford). Louis Chude-Sokei (UC Santa Cruz) is moderator for the Symposium.
Location: Museum of the African Diaspora
685 Mission Street (at Third) San Francisco, California 94105
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2005
Time: 10:00-4:00 Symposium
4:30-5:30 Self-guided MoAD Tour
5:30-8:30 Reception and Book signing
Reception catered by Marco Senghor, nephew of the late President Senghor and
owner of Bissap Baobab in San Francisco.
$ 25.00 General admission
$ 20.00 Students with current ID
$ 20.00 Seniors
Ticket price includes a Continental breakfast, lunch and reception. For
further information call 415 358-7215 or purchase tickets online
www.moadsf.org .
Paris Is Burning (Again) is co-sponsored by Alliance Francaise and is made
possible through a grant from the James Irvine Foundation.
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